Két hobbi találkozása: Raspberry Pi + 3D printing :)
Jók a képek, mutatja a készítést és első teszt nyomtatás közben/után.
Originally shared by Daniel Bull
When hobbies collide - My Raspberry Pi controlling my 3D printer
I've finally managed to integrate my Raspberry Pi hobby with my 3D printing hobby. My nop head Mendel 90 is now completely controlled by the OctoPi / OctoPrint web interface running on a Raspberry Pi.
I can simply open the web page select the file I want to print (or drag it into my browser) and watch it print via the streamed Raspberry Pi camera :)
I am very happy, even the adjustable camera bracket I printed came out well :)

Jók a képek, mutatja a készítést és első teszt nyomtatás közben/után.
Originally shared by Daniel Bull
When hobbies collide - My Raspberry Pi controlling my 3D printer
I've finally managed to integrate my Raspberry Pi hobby with my 3D printing hobby. My nop head Mendel 90 is now completely controlled by the OctoPi / OctoPrint web interface running on a Raspberry Pi.
I can simply open the web page select the file I want to print (or drag it into my browser) and watch it print via the streamed Raspberry Pi camera :)
I am very happy, even the adjustable camera bracket I printed came out well :)
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