Jó Chris meglátása; a tudás önmagában kevés a sikerhez. Originally shared by Christian Kurzke (cnkurzke) So, Germany wants to know the secret sauce that makes Google successful Well, let me spare a few minutes and give you guys a rundown on the deepest secrets that make Google successful. In fact, myself and other German Googlers are all too eager to explain German companies how to be as innovative and successful as Google. Frederik G. Pferdt was just recently in Germany, disclosing some of the "secret internals" how Google works: http://www.schwaebische.de/region_artikel,-Kreativitaet-ist-kinderleicht-Ex-Ravensburger-erklaert-die-Welt-von-Google-_arid,10055664_toid,535.html And then there's Eric Schmidt who recently published a whole book called "How Google Works". Oh, that's not enough? You want the real secret how actually it works? Well, let me give you a few ideas why companies in the "Silicon Valley" (Incl. Google) are more successful than i...