Ezzel táncot is lehet track-elni.
Originally shared by Adafruit Industries
These Ballet Shoes Will Track Your Dance #WearableWednesday
I remember my early years in ballet class, struggling to incorporate graceful hands and turned out feet. Then, it got even further complicated when I was put on pointe, as balance became critical. That’s why I can appreciate this pair of shoes that I spied on Bits & Pieces from the Embedded Design World.
This project, E-TRACES, is a final project for Lesia Trubat, attending ELISAVA in Barcelona. These shoes have a mission.
The concept of Electronic Traces is based on capturing dance movements and transforming them into visual sensations through the use of new technologies.
Using a Lilypad Arduino, an accelerometer and some pressure sensors, the shoes are able to collect information about the dancer’s movements. Not only do they record the path and contact points of the dancer, but they also transmit the data to a mobile device. It’s more than just a line drawing.
The user can then view all the moves made in video format, extract images and even print them. Dancers can interpret their own movements and correct them or compare them with the movements of other dancers, as graphs created with motion may be the same or different depending on the type of movements executed and the correction of the steps and body position.
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#tech #wearables #dance #arduino
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