Ugrás a fő tartalomra

A hatlábú robot gyorsabban jár a saját algoritmussal, mint a rovarok által alkalmazott algoritmussal.

A hatlábú robot gyorsabban jár a saját algoritmussal, mint a rovarok által alkalmazott algoritmussal.

Originally shared by Adafruit Industries

Efficient Six-Legged Robot #Biomimicry

Via Inverse

Why aren’t there more real-life robots like BB-8? It seems roboticists are more concerned with building bots that mimic what we see in the natural world.

But sometimes, the solution found in nature is not the optimal one. In a paper published this week in the journal Nature Communications, a group of roboticists from École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne and Université de Lausanne have bucked this biomimicry trend.

The Swiss scientists have designed a six-legged robot that walks differently from insects. What’s more, it moves faster than it would if its gait mimicked that of real insects.

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