Agyeldobós funkció
Originally shared by Snapseed
Snapseed 2.17 is available for all users on iOS and Android now, so let’s take a look at the new Face Pose tool. This is Snapseed’s second tool that focuses on working with portraits and selfies. Like Face Enhance, it will detect a face in your photo and allow you to interact with it. Face Pose is limited to work on one face only, so give it a try with a selfie or a portrait of one person.
Face Pose can modify the orientation of a head: After mapping the pixels of a face onto a 3D model, Face Pose lets you tilt and pan the face. By tapping the parameter-selector icon at the bottom of the screen, you can modify the size of the pupils, the intensity of a smile, and the photo’s apparent focal length (useful for correcting distortion).
Igazi nő. :D (Eldönthetné.)